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Marlar Maw Jewellery is a celebration of Myanmar spirit and artisanship. The pieces are all made with a passion for respecting the local resources from which it is produced. Each piece is handcrafted primarily using traditional techniques and is unique with its own particular personality.





Elara was a radiant mortal Princess, the daughter of Orchomenus. According to legend she was taken as a lover by Zeus, the King of the Gods. In order for Zeus to project his lover from the wrath and jealousy of other Gods and Godesses, he placed her deep beneath the earth where she hid and delivered his child, a giant of a man called Tityos. Due to her stellar beauty one of the moons orbiting Jupiter (The Roman equivalent of Zeus) is named after her.
This 14 carat gold ring clasping a faceted 18 carat smoky quartz centrepiece surrounded by square cut rubies, much as Zeus clasped Elara as a lover. The stone has a brown hue which reflects the underground hiding of Elara and its sparkling radiance her transformation into a shining celestial body.

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