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Marlar Maw Jewellery is a celebration of Myanmar spirit and artisanship. The pieces are all made with a passion for respecting the local resources from which it is produced. Each piece is handcrafted primarily using traditional techniques and is unique with its own particular personality.





Elysium, or the Elysian Fields, were considered in Greek Mythology to be a paradise on earth where Gods and heroic and righteous mortals would reside in the afterlife.

Elysium became known as the Fortunate Isles or the Isles of the Blessed according to the Greek poet Hesiod. A paradise on Earth, it had a temperate climate, beautiful scenery, where all lived in peace, love and harmony. The name is believed to derive from the Greek for ‘to be deeply stirred from joy’. A land of dreams, with abundant flowers, untouched by sorrows.

The famous Champs-Élysée in Paris, the most prestigious street in Paris and one of the most famous streets in the world is named after this fabled paradise.

This beautiful tri-partite silver ring embraces three distinct stones; cabochon fluorite, cabochon quartz and angel-cut spinel. These represent the the heavens, the earth and the underworld. It also embodies the colours, peace, joy and pleasure of a life in paradise.

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