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Marlar Maw Jewellery is a celebration of Myanmar spirit and artisanship. The pieces are all made with a passion for respecting the local resources from which it is produced. Each piece is handcrafted primarily using traditional techniques and is unique with its own particular personality.





In classical mythology, Hercules was the son of Jupiter, the king of the deities. He was immensely strong and was revered for the many challenges and adventures he faced in his life.

To prove his valour, he was set twelve labours by King Eurystheus in which he overcame a wild and invincible lion, a monster with nine venomous serpent heads and a wild bull that could walk on water. 

This bold silver sterling cuff, inset with spinel, is an embodiment of a heroic path through life, managing the challenges it places in your path and and being strong in the face of adversity. A statement of strength and steel behind beauty and passion. Determination alongside powerful femininity.

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