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Marlar Maw Jewellery is a celebration of Myanmar spirit and artisanship. The pieces are all made with a passion for respecting the local resources from which it is produced. Each piece is handcrafted primarily using traditional techniques and is unique with its own particular personality.





A Roman deity, Opis literally translates as plenty. She is an Earth Goddess. She was the wife of Saturn after whom the planet and Saturday were both named. Planets are also named after her children Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto. She is associated with riches, abundance and prosperity. A famous temple in the Capitolium was established in her honour where an annual Ophelia festival would be celebrated in appreciation of her beauty and generosity.

Revered for her divine status, this anklet epitomises the nature of Opis. The sterling silver chain is adorned with “န” pendants and engaged octagon multi-coloured spinel.

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