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Marlar Maw Jewellery is a celebration of Myanmar spirit and artisanship. The pieces are all made with a passion for respecting the local resources from which it is produced. Each piece is handcrafted primarily using traditional techniques and is unique with its own particular personality.





Shooting stars are known to have been a spectacle of awe and wonder for all of humanity since primordial days. In Ancient Greek Mythology they were perceived as a divine message. 

Phaethon was a celestial deity who descended from the heavens to earth in a chariot of fire to help humankind. According to legend Phaeton was born through the union of fire and water deities and had a passionate, yet caring and tranquil nature.

These cascading sterling silver earrings embrace gems including tourmaline, spinel, amethyst, citrine and moonstone. They reflect the beauty of Phaeton’s descent to earth and mesmerising night skies.

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